Please join us for the 3rd Neuro-Symbolic AI Summer School (NSSS), a free, fully-remote meeting to be held Sep 4-6, 2024 - where you can learn how to be part of this exciting area at the most forward-looking cutting edge of AI.

NSSS ‘24 is the latest in a series of events which alternate between research workshops and summer schools that aim to accelerate progress in the fast-emerging area of neuro-symbolic AI by teaching graduate students, data scientists, and researchers principles from the side of AI they may be less familiar with, as well as presenting a curation of emerging research ideas at the intersection.

The focus of the event is on techniques, in particular those which augment neural network/ML ideas with symbolic AI ideas, to address at least three main open problems of AI: 1) human interpretability/controllability, 2) learning with less data/computation (e.g. via knowledge), and 3) out-of-distribution generalization (e.g. via reasoning).

Days 1 and 2 (Wed, Sep 4, and Thu, Sep 5, 2024) will focus on tutorials on selected background knowledge (logical reasoning, neural networks, etc) to help new researchers get into the area, and selected neuro-symbolic approaches and their corresponding software. Day 3 (Wed, Sep 6, 2024) will feature “birds-of-a-feather” guided group discussions centered around a few selected topics.


Background on previous events:

Our last Neuro-Symbolic Summer School event (2023), attracted 3500+ registrants and featured top researchers including two Turing Award winners, Les Valiant and Yoshua Bengio.

These activities are now general research community events under the auspices of the new non-profit Centaur AI Institute, organized in collaboration with leaders of the NeSy annual meeting, owing to the explosion of interest in this emerging topic we have observed.